Friends should be forever but it's rare that friendships last for various reasons people move people change people die.

Vitamins are supposed to help you but certain vitamins cause bad side effects like cataracts

 Some surgeries are ineffectual like carpal tunnel syndrome should have been resolved by physical changes in hand position you end up losing strength

You plan on doing volunteer work especially in retirement they may say they appreciate you but you're the first to go or not be considered for other things if you're not being paid. All in all it's better being paid when you include a Fiat it seems to straighten things out the way to handle it in your own mind is just realize you're doing it for your pleasure and not for the way they will reward you or not!

We celebrate youth always; example the Olympics always looking forward celebrating youth Not just sports What do we do with what we leave behind ? Do things become automatically irrelevant? Are the biological drivers the most important thing of reproduction.. if so those that have no children are losers.2/20/2022

Last times -when you get older it's important to realize this maybe the last time you do everything Applies to pets, applies to events that occur in regular intervals like the Olympics Could this be my last Olympics 2022?