We often think of the end result like the buildings that are built but forget the scaffolding and support structures that went into helping that edifice "grow".

"It is said that those who appreciate legislation and sausages should not see them being made. The same is true for human emotions."(Blank Slate)

This is the same thing with people.Perhaps we do need a period of religion(or any other temporary structure or help) to use as a crutch or scaffolding. Who is to say this is not part of the epigenetic requirements for outcomes?!

The downside is that little decisions in life can lead to Big outcomes like deciding not to have children over and over now you have no progeny.


Denial has to be programmed into the brain in order for us to process but would be logically nasty congruences like sex where the recreation area is next to the sewage system.

Also to forget the past and move on which with today's media is not allowing that function to carry its course (this leads to philosophical discussions about can you ever be forgiven and does it really matter if you're forgiven depending on your concept of an afterlife or judgment!?!)